
Nish Kumar: Your Power, Your Control (18+) + Sara Barron

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NISH KUMAR: Your Power, Your Control (18+)

+ gyda chefnogaeth gan Sara Barron

Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod tymhestlog ac ansicr oherwydd COVID a'r sefyllfa wleidyddol. Cewch eich syfrdanu gan fy ngallu i gymryd yr holl bethau hyn yn bersonol rywsut.

“Comedian Nish Kumar was booed off stage after making Brexit jokes at a charity event on Monday night. Kumar, who hosts the BBC's Mash Report, was performing at the Lord's Taverners annual charity cricket lunch.”

Adroddiad Newyddion y BBC – 3ydd Tachwedd 2019


“You can boo, but booing’s got nothing to do with it”   Bob Dylan


“Man, I’ve got grown men @ing me bulls**t/You’re getting way too old for the timeline”    Stormzy


“I was at a hospital the other night where I think there were a few coronavirus patients and I shook hands with everybody, you will be pleased to know, and I continue to shake hands”.  Boris Johnson – 3ydd Mawrth 2020.

Sioe newydd yw Control gan gyflwynydd The Mash Report ac un o’r Hanner Can Comedïwr Gorau’r 21ain Ganrif yn ôl y Guardian. Fel y’i gwelir ar Live at the Apollo, Taskmaster a mwy.


Canllaw oed: 18+, yn cynnwys iaith gref a themâu aeddfed.

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